We care a lot about making a difference. This means that all of our projects aim for a positive impact on society. We ask questions, listen closely and go to great lengths to find out what our clients’ stakeholders truly need.
Our clients’ fields and industries are often extremely demanding. We’re known for being reliable and credible partners for communicating the most complex of subjects. We work with brands, stakeholder interaction, as well as all kinds of communications from strategic planning to execution. Our team consists of over 20 communication and interaction professionals and visual designers with diverse backgrounds ranging from marketing and communications to civil service and journalism.
We started out in 2013 as the first communications agency in the Nordics that specialized in science and research communications. Since then we have broadened our partnerships from universities and research centres to governmental organizations and the public sector, NGOs and companies.
Making knowledge visible continues to be the cornerstone of our work. We are driven by a need to connect different actors with each other, encourage open dialogue and promote equity in society. This drive has created our three main areas of expertise: research, inclusiveness and sustainability.
We have coached hundreds or even thousands of researchers from all fields ranging from quantum physics to the liberal arts to communicate their work better. We have succeeded in changing the ways government ministries and agencies work and encouraged them to truly engage with their stakeholders. We have challenged private companies to begin their sustainability and social responsibility work deeper than from communications and supported them in doing so every step of the way.
We’re always taking on new clients. If you’d like to hear more, don’t hesitate to contact CEO Maria Ruuska, maria.ruuska@kaskasmedia.fi.